(Lead and Rhythm Guitars)

-Vital Stats-
- DOB: March 6, 1970
- Birthplace: Lakewood, CO
- Height: 6’1”
- Weight: 185 lbs.
- Eyes: Hazel
- Hair: Brunette
- Status: Taken
- Siblings: 5 Brothers, 2 Sisters
- First Band: Grey Haven
- Other Bands: Jag Panzer, Nevermore
- Band/Album: Jason Becker - "Perpetual Burn"
- Movie: Shawshank Redemption
- Meal/Food: Any/All
- Book: Stephen King "The Bad Place"
- Politician: No
- Historical Figure:
- Song from United Abominations: Burnt Ice
- Favorite Mega solo: Symphony of Destruction
- Favorite Venue: Red Rocks in Colorado
- TV shows: Discovery Channel
- Hobbies: Wake Boarding, Jet Skiing, Snow Boarding, Computer circuit building
- Favorite cliché: Carpe Diem
- Most memorable concert: Pantera at Ozzfest 2000
- Most important life lesson: Know your worth
- What do you like to do to relax while touring: Work out
- Occupation if not a musician: Electrical Engineer