(Lead and Rhythm Guitars)

-Vital Stats-
- DOB: May 25, 1969
- Birthplace: Ottawa, Ontario
- Height: 5’ 11”
- Weight: 170 lbs.
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: Blonde
- Status: Married
- Siblings: Brother, Shawn (Eidolon drummer)
- First Band: Eidolon
- Other Bands: King Diamond
- Band/Album: Frank Zappa/Zoot Allures
- Movie: Burnt Offering
- Meal/Food: Italian
- Book: Ghost Rider - Neil Peart
- Politician: No thanks
- Historical Figure: N/A
- Favorite song on TSHF: Blackmail The Universe
- Favorite Mega solo: Good Mourning/Black Friday ..anything Chris Poland
- Favorite Venue: House Of Blues, Chicago
- TV shows: Three's Company, Barney
- Hobbies: Golf, needlepoint haha
- Favorite cliché: Don't be a tapette
- Most memorable concert: Ozzy - Diary Of A Madman tour '82, Montreal
- Most important life lesson: To be a good person.
- What do you like to do to relax while touring: Listen to music, read, DVD's
- Occupation if not a musician: Brain surgery
Note: He did not play on The System Has Failed.