(Bass Guitar)

-Vital Stats-
- DOB: April 3, 1970
- Birthplace: Jacksonville, Florida
- Height: 6’
- Weight: 175 lbs.
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: Brown
- Status: Engaged
- Siblings: Sister, Jennifer Golden
- First Band: Delta 9
- Other Bands: Prodigy, Mad Axe, Brutal Assault, Odyssey, Iced Earth
- Band/Album: Iron maiden/Powerslave, Nevermore/Enemies of Reality
- Movie: Boondock Saints
- Meal/Food: Chinese, Mexican
- Book: The Dragonlance series
- Politician: Nope
- Historical Figure: General Sherman (direct descendant)
- Song on TSHF: Back In The Day
- Mega Solo: Skull Beneath The Skin
- Favorite Venue: Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver Canada
- TV Shows: The Chappelle Show
- Cliché: To err is human, to forgive is devine
- Most memorable concert: Seeing: Iron Maiden with Yngwie on the Powerslave tour
Played: Opening for Sabbath In Milan at the Gods of Metal fest - Hobbies: Reading, art, camping, fine cuisine, playin' bass!!
- Most Important Life Lesson: To live each day to the fullest and leave nothing for granted.
- What do you like to do to relax while touring: Exercise, reading, watching DVD's, checkin' out the cities
- Occupation if not a musician: Chef!
Note: He did not play on The System Has Failed.