Here's where you should go to see Chris Poland touring with his band OHM the following month. Give all your support to Chris for playing on the new Megadeth album (I would, if I lived in the states).

Frank Gambale & Chris Poland's OHM: Tour Dates 2004

Date City Venue Time
March 30 Chicago, IL Cubby Bear 8:00 PM
March 31 Indianapolis, IN Rehearsal Room Studio Pro. 8:00 PM
April 1 Cleveland, OH The Winchester 8:00 PM
April 2 Rochester, NY Montage Grille 9:00 PM
April 3 Schenectady, NY The Van Dyck 7:00 PM
April 4 Buffalo, NY Broadway Joe's 6:00 PM
April 6 New York, NY Knitting Factory 6:30 PM
April 7 Somerville, MA Johnny D's 8:30 PM
April 10 Plains, PA Grico's River St. Jazz Café TBA
April 12 Raleigh, NC Lincoln Theatre 7:30 PM
April 13 Charlotte, NC Visulite Theater 8:00 PM
April 15 West Columbia, SC New Brookland Tavern 7:00 PM
April 16 St. Augustine, FL Café Eleven 9:00 PM
April 17 Oakland Park, FL Alligator Alley 8:00 PM

Chris Poland’s OHM: Tour Dates 2004...except where indicated by * (most likely with Andy Timmons Band)

Date City Venue Time
April 20 Houston, TX TBA -
*April 21 Austin, TX Cactus Café 8:00 PM
*April 22 Dallas, TX TBA -
April 25 Albuquerque, NM TBA -
April 27 Phoenix, AZ TBA -
April 28 Tuscon, AZ TBA -
April 29 San Diego, CA TBA -
April 30 Los Angeles, CA TBA -

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