until the release of United Abominations. Are you all as excited as me? I hope you are.
From all the songs we've heard so far (check out Megadeth.com for more songs) I'm very excited about the new album.
. Should be in stores now!
Dave Mustaine joins Dean Guitars with a new kickass guitar. Check it
On April 19th Megadeth started recording the new album in the UK! The recording process will also be filmed! Very cool news this.
Also, as you might know, James MacDonough is no longer the bass player of Megadeth. The new one is
. Let's welcome him and hopefully he will kick just as much ass.
, is out! It contains a whole bunch of music videos (though a few are missing :( ) and other cool stuff. It will be out March 21 in the US, Australia 27 and Europe 29th I believe.
Today I'm 26 yeard old! Happy happy, joy joy! Also, I will soon be more actice here and fill you in on all the cool stuff that's happening with Megadeth (new vic design, dvd etc..)
Latest news! At the concert in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 9th, Dave spoke about the future of Megadeth. What did he say? The following:
Really lacking of updates right now. Sorry 'bout that. Have had a rough time lately.. Anyway, here's a new link
for you to check out:
Ok, a short update. As you know a new greatest hits album will be out on June 28 (maybe 29 in Europe) and it
will feature 17 songs votoed by the fans (us). There will also be a special version with a bonus DVD with
a video for Kill the King and some other neat stuff. So get ready.. And oh,
Sorry about the lack of updates recently. Might be more soon, as I just ordered broadband. Can't
wait to get it again. As you might know, Megadeth will be out touring with a bunch of other bands
on the upcoming Gigantour. Read more about it
. More
news soon of the upcoming greatest hits cd and DVD.
Hey. I'm getting really tired of geocities now. Biggest issue is of course the traffic thing. That you will
many times will not see this page because of to much traffic on it. It sucks.. Also, the friggin' banner
to the right. It was ok before, but this big one sucks! I'm really thinking hard of getting a domain
of my own (have thought about it for a long time) and putting it there so more traffic is allowed (and no banners!).
Keep checking back and if this happens I will clearly tell you all the new address so you can change your
links to me, and update your bookmarks.
Whoa. Back from the concert. Let me tell you that I had a blast. It was no doubt about it my favorite show
I've ever seen. Great long show (too bad that they missed out on ToS here) and the crowd was well with.
In the beginning the sound wasn't the best, but it got better shortly. The long solo section in the middle
of Hangar 18 really tested the strength of my neck. Heh.. Also as I said, I got a meet & greet pass to see
the guys after the show. We were about 13-15 people there and we spoke to the different members when we
had a chance. I spoke first to Shawn and got 4 albums signed. I said how great everyting was and spoke a little
about their new singer in Eidolon (which is great), then to Glen and spoke a bit too. James next, got to
see his latest tattoo which he got made in Manchester, a cool tribal tattoo on his wrist. Lastly I got
to meet Dave, didn't speak to long with him (sadly) but said how great they were and has always been. He
signed Youthanasia for me first, and also at the end I asked one guy there which has a digicam if I could
"borrow" a pic taken with Dave. He agreed (thanks!). So shortly I will have it. Lastly you can check out this
pic with the stuff I got signed:
Also, it seems like Megadeth will play at the upcoming Sweden Rock Festival in june!

!! All my hard "work" has paid off. Today I got a mail from the great Dave McRobb (megadeth.com webmaster) letting
me know that I have won a VIP meet & greet pass (through the fanclub) for the concert in Sweden next Tuesday!
Man, this has been my dream for so long to meet Dave (and the rest of course). This might be the only chance
I have, so I'm very grateful for this. First thing he'll sign for me is Youthanasia... PS. Är det någon av er
svenskar som också vann ett pass, så skicka gärna ett mail till mig så kan vi komma in i meet & greet grejen

Allright. A new Megadeth greatest hits record is about to be made. This time we, the fans, are asked to vote
for which songs will be on it. How do you vote you say? You need to get over to the
Megadeth forums and vote in
the new section there. Go ahead and vote!

I have looked through every page on this site to take away a lot of crap code and also finally using
stylesheets for this page, to easier update the layout. It was a lot of work to do (I had 73 pages here in total).
Also, I have lost my broadband connection and back to 56k so there won't be so many updates and I will loose
a little coverage of what's going on in the forums and such. Though I hope you will continue visit here and be
ready Europe for the soon to come Megadeth invasion!

A new flash thing is up. This time you can hear Tornado of Souls live from Detroit on Nov 17th 2004.

Here's some cool upcoming Mega items:
I know the book is official and hopefully the DVD is too.

If any of you out there sent me an email asking for permission to link my site, please send it again
since it came in my bulk folder and I was too quick to empty it.

Today the tickets for the Stockholm show was released. I bought one ticket on the minute on release.. Yay!

For a short time only, you now have the chance to listen to Megadeth playing

The Scorpion live from Detroit on Nov 17th this year. Be sure you have flash installed and then just press PLAY (when it's done loading).

European tourdates has been posted on megadeth.com!

OMG.. This new geocities banner that you see on the right SUCKS ASS! (at least you can make it go away

I will very soon try to freshen this site up a little. I know it's no the nicest one to look at, so
possibly I'll try to make it a little more pleasant to look at. Stay tuned! (it might take a while)..

Well, the US tour is still going on and from what I've heard they kick some serious ass! The new guys are
doing a wonderful job with all the classic Megadeth tunes. So keep checking them out on tour.. Here's me
they come to Sweden real soon..

Wooo, I'm Megafan of the week! Check
(just so you know, I'm the dude..)

The new Megadeth fanclub is open! Go
here for more info!

Sad news. Nick Menza will NOT be touring in Megadeth. He will be replaced with Eidolon drummer Shawn Drover.

Get a chance to Win The new Megadeth album 'The System has failed' and more!!
The contest will be online from October 03rd to October 17th on

The System Has Failed debuted at no. 18 on the american Billboard chart! Good position!
Megadeth.com has gotten a little makeover to match the new album.
Also some new interesting things there. Check it out!

I have made a page where I will list various reviews of The System Has Failed which you can read.

Read the latest press release (concerning the tour and such, incl. updated tour dates!)

Lyrics for The System Has Failed has been posted at the normal place.

Today (13/9) is Dave Mustaine's birthday! Everyone give him congrats through megadeth.com.

It's now official who will play guitar and bass on the coming Megadeth tour.
Glen Drover (Eidolon)
will be playing guitar and
James MacDonough (Iced Earth) bass. Tour starts Oct 26th in San Diego. More dates to come.

Official tourdates for "The System Has Failed" Fall Tour 2004 has been posted on megadeth.com Check
here. These are only US tour dates..
Further dates to come.

If you want to hear the interview that Bruce Dickinson did with Dave on his radio show on BBC 6, then
here and click the "LISTEN TO
THE LATEST SHOW" link and fast forward one hour and there you will hear DDE play and then the interview
starts. You will hear several songs from the new album.

There's a new and interesting interview with Dave over at hardradio.com. He talks about the new album,
new tour, Megadeth history and quite some about Metallica. Check it out

Not long until The System Has Failed is out now! Remember September 14th in US and 13th in Europe
(rest of the world sometime like that I guess). Bring it on!

So, there has been a chat with Dave over at http://www.abrasiverock.com/ and the most important
questions/answers that came up was that there will be no more Megadeth album after TSHF! This was
supposed to be a Mustaine album, but he had to fufill his obligations with Sanctuary so it had to be
a Megadeth one.

Finally got the remasters today (slight delay from where I ordered them) and they kick ass! Sure there
are a few things to pick on, but things has also become better. Also, I started a new "controversial" poll.
It's about if you have downloaded The System Has Failed or if you are like me waiting to the release date.
Be honest.

Exciting news! As you might (or might not) know Dave has designed his very of ESP guitar called ESP
Axxion, and now the first good picture of it has been posted in the Megadeth forum. So now I present
you the pic
here. (thx to member psampaio).

I have now done my part in supporting Megadeth in the reissues issue. As they will be out here tomorrow
then I preordered them from and online store (all 7 Megadeth albums + MD.45). I have of course also
preordered The System Has Failed.. All and all I spent 771 SEK (about USD 103) for them and I consider
the money well spent!

Here's the as good as finished cover artwork for The System Has Failed. See it
here. Some slight changes might happen, but that's about it.
It was done by amazing airbrush artist Mike Learn. It looks great!

Today (23/7) it's Nick Menza's birthday! Happy Birthday Nick!!

Lyrics for the song Die Dead Enough is up. This track (which will be the next single) can be heard on
a few radio stations right now. So make requests of it on your local stations!

The (probably) last remix available to download right now is She-Wolf! Go go go! Complete tracklisting
of the reissues can be found

According to me, this is how I think the actual cover for the new Megadeth album could look like
(design by Mike Learn, custom colored by me):
click here

here to see the progression of the
cover for The System Has Failed. The cover is done by Mike Learn.

Latest news in short. "Ashes in your Mouth" is the latest remaster to download. Ed Repka will not be
doing the cover (read why at the forum) and also I made another Megadeth logo. Pakistan logo this time.

Latest remaster/remix up for download is "Addicted To Chaos" from the album Youthanasia (which is my
favorite btw.). Get it while it's up and I will not be able to have it available for download here in
a while (sitting with 56k atm)..

A new Megadeth logo/flag made. Always nice to have those requests again. This time it's for my neighbors
the Norwegians.. Enjoy! See it

Sweden vs Holland.. Since I'm a little bit dutch then I cheer for both teams. I want both to win!

Nothing Megadeth related, but I'm just so happy that Sweden played 2-2 against Denmark today in the
European soccer championship and they both reached the quarterfinals.. Yay! Vikings go!

New remix/remaster is up for download at megadeth.com. This time it's Insomnia (from the album Risk)..

My new Vic Rattlehead section is up! More stuff there to come..

In other news, Nick Menza has been registered on the Megadeth forum and you can expect to see posts
from him there. His nickname rocks! :)

I'm back (sorta) and you might have seen that the newest remaster download was "Good Mourning/Black
Friday", and it's now gone from megadeth.com but I will in a short time have it up for download on my
site here (in case you missed it).

Allright friends (it's ok if I call you that right?) I'll be having a little holiday in Italy for about
a week, so I'll probably won't be able to update this site within that time and will maybe miss some vital
Megadeth info but I'm sure you'll fill me in when I'm back right? :D So long fellow droogies!

Having a hard time downloading the new remaster put up at megadeth.com? No worries, get it

The upcoming Megadeth album will be called
The System Has Failed..

For those of you that missed to download the remixed and remaster version of Holy Wars.., then you can
get it

Sorta official releasedates of the remasters in most of Europe Aug 8th and Japan Aug 4th. Stay tuned.

The fans has had their say. The one voted to be the first remaster to be released to be heard is probably
the most popular Megadeth song: HOLY WARS...THE PUNISHMENT DUE.. So head over to
Megadeth.com and download the remixed & remastered of this song..

First re-issue tracklisting has been revealed. It's for Rust in Peace. See it

Hey. Just so you know, Dave will be putting up some of the re-issues for us to hear in the following
weeks or so. So right now you can vote for from which album the first song will be from. Next day you
vote for a song on that album. So head over to the
Megadeth Forum so YOU can vote..

So what's up Megafans? Everyone excited for all the new Mega stuff coming soon? I've got something more
great news for ya. Ed Repka (if you don't know who he is, then go away! :) ) has been contacted by Dave,
and it seems like he's doing the artwork for the new Megadeth album! So be prepared to see another kickass
vic drawing! Dave also mentioned a tour, so stick around for more info!

Ok, for all you people who missed the new mp3 songs from Megadeth.com here is your chance to get them..
First we have
MD.45 - The Day the Music Died
with Dave on vocals and also a complete song from the new Magadeth album, song is called
Kick The Chair.
Also if you want the short BTU clip get it

Release dates for the remasters are now set. US release date is
July 27th
(now I've read 24th also). International release date to come. More info

Go to
www.megadeth.com and download a complete song from the
upcoming Megadeth album!! The song is called Kick The Chair! Or
direct link download

New lyrics is up! Lyrics to the song Kick the Chair has been posted in the official Megadeth forum
(you can also find it here on the albums page). Also Dave hinted that he might post a sample
(or the whole Kick the Chair song for us to hear!)..

Everyone who was in the guitar-guitar.com chat know what happend. And for those who don't, then it's
better if you don't because I don't wanna talk about it. Well, anyway for you who missed the chat or
something I saved it all and edited for your reading pleasure and it can be read
Also, the winner of the ESP signed guitar is the member DETHQUEEN at the Megadeth forums. Congrats again!

So, ladies and gentlemen.. The new Megadeth album is complete! Everything on the album has been recorded.
Now all that is left is making the album ready to ship to stores. This could take a while, but it's a
Click here for the complete tracklisting of the new album

!! Go to megadeth.com and download the full song
"The day the Music Died"
MD.45, but now with Dave doing the singing instead of Lee Ving! It
sounds great and Dave is great for doing this!

Do you want to know what the latest news is regarding Megadeth? Is Megadeth still alive and what do we
Megadeth fans have to expect in the (near) future? Look here for the latest info:
[click here]

The contest to win a ESP LTD DV-8r Guitar is over and the winner was Tommy Wild AKA Pick_Pusher!
Congrats!! So this means that the new Megadeth song
Blackmail The Universe
has the complete lyrics to it. Wanna read it? Check

Here I got some tourdates for Chris Poland and his group OHM's tourdates in the US. So if they play near
you be sure to attend and show your support to Chris for being such a great guy helping out Dave on the
soon out Megadeth album. See tourdates

After winning one day's contest over at the Megadeth forum, I today got a call from Dave Mustaine.
It went pretty quick, got to ask him some questions and so. But still, this really just means a lot
that Dave ttakes him time talking to fans. You have my support forever!

Just bought a bootleg concert from someone with Megadeth - Clash of the Titans Tour, Osaka, Japan 2/21/89
and it was a fantastic concert to see and hear. Also watched the Woodstock video which is one of my
favorite concerts..

Updated the mega-info with current status.

New poll is up regarding the remixes! It's here on the right, so let's vote!

New soundsample from Dave at megadeth.com!! If you haven't seen it allready then go ahead over to
megadeth.com to hear a message from Dave with some new Megadeth music in the background. It's sounds
really great. Fast and heavy.. Also, the official Megadeth forum is up again. Go and sign-up!

I must say that I'm so happy and thrilled by the fact that Dave is back and letting us know how things
are with him and what's in store in the future for Megadeth.. You haven't seen the last of them yet. ^_^

Check out this recent interview with former Megadeth guitarist Chris Poland. You can read it at
The Fuze.

A new fan artwork is up. It contains Vic (no surprise there maybe).
Check it out, it is nice.. Keep sending me stuff plz. :)

I don't feel like writing anything long about my time at Sweden Rock Festival, but all can tell you is
that is was GREAT. I got to see some of my favorite bands, and all the people there was really nice and
weather was great too. Also, there was beer...

Dave Mustaine has spoken! Go to www.megadeth.com and read what he has to say!
=Megadeth DVD= So the deadline has past and now we will just have
to wait to see if Capitol responds to our "request" in making a DVD with music videos and so on. I will
keep you posted if I hear anything.

Hey. I want to thank all of the visitors of this page, although it's not being updated so much anymore
(due to Megadeth breaking up and so) I will now try to go through all the pages and remove dead links,
some unnecessary items and stuff. YOU can also if you want send me your Megadeth fan art, or give me a
suggestion on what new poll I should make. If you want a Megadeth logo with your country's flag on it.
I will also upload a couple more Megadeth pictures soon. So this page is not dead yet. ;-) Thx..

Good news everyone! (futurama ripoff) Megadeth.com has agreed to take our beloved forum over at
ultimatemegadeth.com and make it the official forum. It has been linked from megadeth.com.. It's one step..
RIP, Josh Krisith (1984-2002) Today (021009) we have lost a good man.
Way too early. He went under the nick Iced MegaThrax on the Megadeth BB. Sad day indeed.. RIP Josh.

Hi there. I have been listening to Megadeth ALOT recently.. I just can't believe how good they are!
My favorite album has always been Youthanasia but it is leaning more and more that Rust In Peace will
share the first place for me. Can't believe how AWESOME RIP is. Holy Wars.. must be the greatest song
ever! Everytime I listen to it I get to fucking excited.. Every song on that album rocks! I haven't
really listened to Killing is My Business.. so much but have now and it's really really good too.. I
still have a little little hope that somehow they will be back, but maybe ther chance is very tiny.
Dave Mustaine will have to be back somehow! Don't loose faith all your 'Deth fans out there, wherever
you live. Let everyone know how good Megadeth is. It's truly the greatest band in the world!!!
Still Alive... And Well? is now out at least in the U.S, and when it comes
here I don't know if I'm gonna buy it. I guess I will though, but I (like many others) have mixed feeling
towards this release for some reasons. We'll see. See the cover

9-11.. It's been one years since the terrible thing happend in the USA (you know what I'm talking about).
I won't bring this up anymore, just gonna light a virtual candle in memory of all that died and their

Megadeth.com has an update with a message from Dave and also has info on the soon to be released album
Still Alive... And Well? which contains some live trax and so on. Go there
for more details.

David Ellefsson, Jimmy DeGrasso, Al Pitrelli and Marty Friedman have formed a new band together.. Read

Calling all Deth fans.. Head over to this Megadeth board:
Megadeth - Fans Unite Board. You will find many of your old
Megadeth BB there..
Everyone! Sign
this petition
to so we have a chance to get a Vic Rattlehead action figure by McFarlane Toys. Also if you want figures
of the band, write so in the comment field. For McFarlane Toys works, go here:

Noooo!! This can't be true.. Dave Mustaine leaves Megadeth due to some really bad arm injury. Read the
official press release over at
So is this the end? Damn, damn.. Why? This isn't fair. I was REALLY looking forward to their next studio
album. Keep checking over at the official site to get the latest news.. Sad day it is! :(
Check it out! Go to
this site
and enter the Megadeth contest where you can win the new live CD & DVD from Megadeth (Rude Awakening that

Damn.. Once again geocities.com is "saying" to me that this site is, quote: "using more than the allotted amount
of data transfer we provide for a free web site". So, either I pay $8.95/mo (which I don't wanna do) or move
to another host or just shut this site down. Weird thing is that I only get around 20-30 hits a day, which I don't think
is that much..
Evil has struck the USA.. My biggest condolences to all people in USA right
now, for the terrorist deed in N.Y, DC and Pittsburgh.. All those lives lost. For what? I can't imagine
how you feel if you have lost a loved one in this terrible disaster. Just pray for it to never happen
again. The guilty ones must be punished.. May the guilty ones burn in hell!!

Resurrected!! This page has now come back from the dead. It was closed down by some reason, but after
several mails to geocities I finally got it back. I would like to thank them alot for this. Really
thank you.. I have some cleaning up to do here and lots of updating.. So stay tuned for more cool updates
and changes over the next week..

I'm going to see Megadeth open for AC/DC on the 24th June. I'm sure that they will kick major ass.

Try out this
Megadeth forum.
Post anything you'd like.

Oh, man.. it's been quite a while since last update. I'm sorry but I have been busy. Well I will now try
to fill you in with the lastest regarding Megadeth. Their new album will be called
"The World Needs a Hero" (you all probably knew that by now) and Megadeth
is out on a promo tour right now. I have seen that some of the songs are already on Napster. Too bad.
Oh, well if you want to get some samples go there but
if you do so, then promise to buy the full album also. They are worth it.
New album release dates:
Megadeth - 'The World Needs A Hero'
May 14.01 Europe
May 15.01 USA

More Megadeth fan stuff is in! Check them out
here. Send me more stuff!

I turned 20 the 31:st of January!

Come on you guys! I really need your help. Haven't anyone made any Megadeth art? If you have just get it
scanned somehow and send it to me. I need just anything Megadeth related that you have done. I haven't
got a thing form you yet. I will credit you for it of course. It's a perfect chance for you to show your
skills and that you are a true Megadeth fan.
Send in all your items

Risk has gone Gold!
Read the full story

Disaster has struck Megadeth!
Marty has left the band during the US Risk Tour.
Now we have lost a GREAT guitarist. Who can ever replace this excellent guy? For now Al Pitrelli (Alice
Cooper, Savatage) will fill in for him.
Read the full story

Check out
Megadeth 2000! It's page where you can read what thoughts I have on
Megadeth for the new millennium and give me your own thoughts and ideas.

Do you know what Yahoo! Clubs are? If or if not go to my newly started
Megadeth "club".
The main idea with the clubs are to post images. Go to the club and join so that you can post images to
the club.

The official Risk lyrics are finally up.
Megadeth.com has got a really cool new look. Go and visit them now!

All album reviews are up.
Check them out!

Risk hit the jackpot! In the latest issue of Metal Hammer, Risk collects a 10 out of a 10!
Read what the review said.
Megadeth Announce
Dates For North American Risk Tour

Added more unofficial
lyrics by Jose Quiroga.
Breadline is the newest.

I will try to find reviews of Risk from different places. Check out what I've got so far.
Risk reviews

Risk went straight into
17th spot on the album chart in

Insomnia and
Crush 'Em
lyrics are out! And some unofficial lyrics made by Jose Quiroga.
Get 'Em here!

Let everybody know what you think about
Vote now!

Risk is out, and it's great! Cool to include a bonus cd with tracks from the other albums. The bonus CD
includes the tracks: Peace Sells, In My Darkest Hour, Holy Wars.., Symphony of Destruction, A Tout Le
Monde and Use The Man. Maybe it's only for Europeans 'cause it says on the CD: Made in EU.
It looks like this.

You can download a 50 sec. sample from the
Duke Nukem Theme by
Megadeth at my
music files page.

Started a Megadeth award called The Deth Award. I will give it to sites that deserves it.

Have you made anything cool that is Megadeth inspired and you want
the world to see it? Maybe a Megadeth wallpaper, winamp skin, sonique skin, Win 95/98 theme or anything
else. If you do,
let me know so I can put it
on my page. If you have that item on a homepage, give me your address so that I can link it.

I have changed the music files page a bit. I now have more programs and music files for download. All
my winamp skins are there.
Take a look.

2 copies left of the Woodstock video! Order quickly and maybe
you'll get it.

A Macedonian Megadeth logo has been made.
Check it out.

Take your chance! Did you happend to miss Megadeth performance at Woodstock? Don't be sad. I'm am taking
10 order of the video with the live performace by Megadeth at
Woodstock. Only the
first 10 who orders it will get it. I can only
10 orders. Wherever you live I can send it to you.
Go and order it now!

I have received another
award on my page. It's called The Chosen Ones Award.

The Crush 'Em
single cover

Read this
"review" of Megadeth's concert at Woodstock.

This is a cool thing when I surfed the Internet for Megadeth stuff. At www.amazon.com I found a CD
"Megaded: A Tribute To Megadeth".
It is what it sounds like. 12 of Megadeth songs is played by other bands. For more info go

If you didn't get to see Megadeth at
Woodstock, live or on TV, then I will
put up a review of the concert. I will include music clips of what Dave said and of some solos. I can't
include all the songs but I will include a playlist. Be sure to be here when it's finished. The music
clips will be in mp3 format.

Former drummer of Megadeth, Gar Samuelson, has died.
Read the full story

Megadeth plays at Woodstock. Sunday 25th July. Read

I'm really angry. Read
this to see why.

You can now listen to or watch Crush 'Em at
Megadeth, Arizona
in Real Audio/Video format.

Exclusive!! Go
here to
download two of the songs from the album Risk! He has recorded them from a radio station. Not the best
quality but pretty good anyway. Listen to them! There's also an interview with Dave Mustaine there. It's
really cool.

Risk will be released on
August 31.

Their new single Crush 'Em will be included on the movie Universal Soldier 2 soundtrack. The Crush 'Em
music video will contain clips from the movie.

Megadeth has now changed their drummer. The new one is called
Jimmy DeGrasso.
Check out the Megadeth
Press Release

here what Dave Mustaine said at www.Megadeth.com at the message board concerning their change of drummer.